Jan 29, 2010

For The Love of Words

I may be aging myself here but that's alright. You have to live life in order to make memories, gain wisdom and impart both to the next generation. What will I impart today? I cannot say it will be wisdom; however, you may find my memory useful as such so I will simply share a memory with you that traveled with me.

I grew up during World War II. That should tell you a great deal about the era and circumstances surrounding my youth and family. I would not say we were poor as it is hard to judge such things during war time. Everything was rationed and everyone worked hard to provide what they could for their family. A sense of pride and connection resonated from everyone as we listened to the radio and read the paper about the war. Very rarely did we focus on fashion or what car the neighbors had.

During that time many life lessons were taught to me and many stayed ingrained in my mind. Of that though, the one thing I cherish from that time that has lasted my entire life is the love of books. To this day I read or attempt to read two to three novels a week. It all started back when I was young. Both my mother and father were big readers. My father would review books for the local newspaper and there was never a shortage of books in the house. They both encouraged me to read and as I got older they encouraged me to read and write. My mom use to say that I began writing novels at the age of twelve. I'm not sure about that but I did love reading and writing then as I do now.

What kind of wisdom can you take from this memory? Encourage your children in whatever it is they want to do. If it is reading and writing then make sure books are available. Read with them and let them see you reading. Be a part of their endeavors and one day they to will have memories to share with others like this.


Laya Bajpai said...

While I can't say I grew up that long ago, even I used to read a lot as a child. I was a complete book addict, I used to write my friend's homework just to get her library book. It was nice reading your post.

Gloria said...

Delightful! Brings back memories to when, as children in Germany during WWII, we three siblings exchanged our old books as Christmas presents, since no new ones were available. It didn't matter that we had read each book before!They took us out of our 'reality', and opened a new world for us. Thanks for sharing!

M.Verdick said...

Laya - Thank you so much. Writing and reading is addicting and once started at a young age it never goes away.

Ronee - Books provide a wonderful escape don't they. I just love how you celebrated Christmas.

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