What can I say; I love books. I love writing books, reading books and writing reviews about books. I find it refreshing and somewhat compelling as I write a review about the works of others. Why would I write reviews for the books I read when there are so many? Well, to be honest, I enjoy sharing my opinion about things like that and if it helps the next reader connect all the better.
It boils down to being helpful; just as the golden rule states 'do unto others as you would have them do to you.' I can promise you that I would want someone sharing their opinions about my books just like I share mine about theirs. We should never forget that we, as writers, are members of one big family. When we help our fellow writer we are helping ourselves.
I have a great deal of fun reading all the books I do and sharing my thoughts about them where ever I can is like adding a cherry on top of a sundae. You know, that sounds pretty good.
I know this article is not very long but here is a link to my profile page on Amazon.com. I invite you to click over and read the reviews I have prepared. I think I have covered a wide variety of books since I have prepared 48 reviews to date.
Here is the LINK.
Pair Romance
9 years ago
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