Well now, the spring cleaning is done but the to-do list never seems to end. I mark one thing off and add three more. What have I been doing lately? I've been reading books and working on my latest project which I don't mind because they are fun but I have always been busy with the needed things like taking care of a house.
Now typically this isn't such a big deal. I mean, if we live in a house then we should take care of it but as summer approaches we have a new enemy to deal with. Each and every one of us has fallen pray to this silent enemy. I will give you a clue as to what it is. Have you ever been busy doing something like cleaning, cooking, reading, writing or just playing with a child and looked out the window to see all the sunshine still shining through? Many of us would think - alright, I have plenty of time to finish this or that but after another ten minutes go by we look at the clock. The surprise never fails to fall upon us when we realize the day is over and dinner isn't ready nor have the kids had a bath.
Yep, the extended days of summer can be a blessing and a curse. We love the long daylight hours but on the other hand we watch it carefully so the evening hours don't creep up on us. I often get so busy doing multiple things that I lose all track of time and during the summer months it feels like seven or eight o'clock is here in the blink of the eye.
It is always a good thing to have things to do; it makes us feel productive and helps us as we move forward. It just seems so easy to get carried away during this time of year. I think it is important that we remember the other great thing about summer and that would be the times we relax. Don't let the days catch up to you and pass you by. How do you avoid that? Well, just like your job working nine to five; set a cut off time and stick to it. Whatever you don't get done will need to wait until tomorrow. If you can manage, set a day aside to relax and have fun with family and friends.
Having a cook out, playing with your children, and/or watching the sunset are just as important (if not more so) then getting every square inch of the house painted in one day. Isn't that what the long days are really for - to have time for work and play?
7 years ago
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