You may have noticed that a little time has passed since my last post. So, what have I been doing during my absence? That is a question with a simple answer and, believe you me; I like questions with a simple answer. I have been working on my latest book. Actually I have been polishing my latest book.
After the months of writing and editing, writing and revising I can finally announce that my new book will published through Author House and I expect it to be released in the next four or five months. I'm sure by now you are wondering what is the title and genre. Unfortunately I am at that place in the publishing process where the title is still a little up in the air. So what about genre? What can you tell me about the book Mary?
Both of those are great questions I can assure you but at the moment I am going to pass on answering them at this time. Why? I want to make sure everything is completely ready to go before I talk about it to much. I want the editing, cover art, title, sizing....everything to be just about wrapped up before I go into the details. I know, I can hear you now - Mary that's not fair. You're right, it's not fair and I apologize for that but I promise to make it up to you by publishing an entertaining and gripping book that is pleasant to look at and a pleasure to own.
I will also promise to share more about the book in the coming months. Sadly I must go now, it is Saturday and on top of getting a book published I must handle the everyday chores of life.
Have a great weekend.
Pair Romance
9 years ago
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