Mar 25, 2011

To Get the Ball Rolling

As everyone knows, for fiction writers, the best way to get the ball rolling (or so I've been told) is to start with a book signing. So you contact your local bookstore and ask them, nicely, if they're interested and usually they are, so you set up a date that's convenient for both of you. Then they order the books and a few weeks later they tell you everything is ready for the show. "Great!" you say, with varying degrees of enthusiasm. But are you ready? That's the big question. Although I've written six adult novels and numerous short stories and books for children, and have participated in all kinds of book signings at book stores, large and small, through the years, for a normally shy person like me just the thought of going through another one causes the butterflies to start jumping in my stomach.

The first big decision, of course, is always, what should I wear? Do I dress up or go casual? I usually try on five or six outfits, then go back to the one I picked out originally, a somewhat dressy top and tailored pants. Then pushing myself out the door it's off to the races. Fortunately my local bookseller knows I'm nervous and is up to the challenge. They always provide a nice place for me to sit with cozy chairs clustered around it for anyone who wants to visit, and coffee, soft drinks and snacks available for the hungry. Not all bookstores do this, of course. It's been my experience that the big chains, while friendly, don't knock themselves out for a writer unless you're a big-time, preferably a New York Times best-selling author. But most local booksellers do their best to take care of their own.

So you're there and now it's up to you to keep smiling, even when someone picks up your baby, reads the flaps (they certainly look interested)-- but alas, they sigh, put down the book and walk away. You take it in stride, telling yourself it's all part of the game, but being normal you can't help feeling a bit dejected. However, the next person in line, a pretty, white-haired lady, buys three books, yes, three, all at once. "For my granddaughters," she says, with a twinkle. "They love romantic-suspense novels and think you're one of the best." Of course you glow!

And it's moments like that that help you through the bore who informs you, in a loud, strident voice, that the publishing business is going to the dogs and he never buys books--although naturally he helps himself to the snacks; they're there, after all. Or how about the chatty little woman who talks your ear off and instead of the standard "Best wishes" dedication, wants you to write something long and flowery that she's composed herself on the dedication page.

So it goes and before you know it four hours have elapsed and your first book signing for the new book is over. But did you get the ball rolling? Well, you sold quite a few books and suddenly realize that you've enjoyed yourself and had quite a bit of fun--which is good, because in the next few weeks, or months, you'll do it over and over again.


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